Out of Court Settlements (Civil Compromise)
Resourceful and Aggressive — In and Out of Court
If you believed everything on television, you would think that most cases are argued in a courtroom before a jury. But most cases never make it into the courtroom. The time and expense of a trial often makes both the prosecution and the defense more willing to reach out of court settlements and pursue Civil Compromise.
Experienced criminal defense attorney Mark C. Cogan may be able to prevent charges from being filed, or negotiate a good outcome for you without the time and expense of a trial. We frequently can avoid trial by always preparing for one. Oregon has a Civil Compromise Law which often provides the framework for a win-win solution that advances the interests of all parties. We have had great success in resolving matters for our clients in this way.
A Representative Case: Client BA faced a multiple count indictment alleging a number of felonies that had the potential of costing him many years in an Oregon prison, and he was represented by a court-appointed attorney. Once BA hired us, we used an investigator and a forensic neurologist to show the effects of a potentially lethal dose of prescription medication that affected BA at the time of the offense. We were able to negotiate a settlement that avoided jail time and left expungement of all records as a potential option for the future.
A Tenacious Negotiator for Out of Court Solutions
When a Portland criminal defense attorney has a reputation for not being afraid to fight, the prosecution may be more willing to reach a settlement. We have found that it is helpful if we are involved in a case early so that we have more options at our disposal.
Our criminal defense law firm has experience with the following:
- Reaching a negotiated solution after a trial, but prior to sentencing
- Use of experts such as investigators, mental health professionals or forensic accountants to build a strong case for compromise
- Proactive treatment of a client’s substance abuse, sex addiction or obsessive-compulsive behavior
The Prosecution Has Begun Its Work — We Should Begin Ours
No matter the circumstances, anyone under investigation or facing criminal prosecution should retain the best possible attorney as early in the process as possible. If you have been charged with a crime, or are under investigation, it is not too late to negotiate an out-of-court settlement. Please call our Portland law office at (503) 549-1077 or send us an e-mail for a free initial consultation with our criminal defense lawyer.
Related Links:
Court-Appointed Attorney vs. Private Attorney part 1
Court-Appointed Attorney vs. Private Attorney part 2
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