Portland Assault Charges Defense Attorney
In Oregon, all accusations of assault are handled very aggressively by law enforcement and prosecutors. Officers will use every tactic available to thoroughly investigate the claim and build a case. Prosecutors will charge the offense to the highest degree possible under the law and seek maximum penalties in most situations.
We will fight for reduced charges, lighter sentences or acquittal.
You absolutely need a Portland assault charges lawyer on your side who will be equally aggressive in the pursuit of your defense. Mark C. Cogan is a criminal defense lawyer in Portland who will tenaciously defend your rights. He has more than 40 years of experience necessary to build a very compelling defense for you.
Do Not Take Any Assault Charge Lightly. They Won’t. We Won’t.
Assault can be charged on different levels from a misdemeanor to a Ballot Measure 11 offense. There is a wide range of aggravating factors that could elevate the level of the offense charged. The most common include the use of a weapon, the extent of the injuries and the involvement of a family member.
Ballot Measure 11 assault charges also involve mandatory prison sentences. There is absolutely no parole and no early release from prison in these situations.
- First-degree assault: Mandatory prison sentence of 7.5 years.
- Second-degree assault: Mandatory prison sentence of 5.8 years.
Lesser assault offenses are not charged under the strict Ballot Measure 11 rules. However, these are still extremely serious and should not be taken lightly.
- Third-degree assault: Charged as a felony. There is no mandatory sentence, but you could still face substantial jail time.
- Fourth-degree assault: Charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Circumstances involving domestic violence are a factor that could result in a felony charge.
Regardless of the level of the offense charged, there are very real implications regarding your freedom, your family and even your immigration status. At Mark C. Cogan, P.C., our Portland Assault Charges Attorneys will do everything in our power under the law to protect every aspect of your life from the impact of a criminal charge.
We will create a strategy that takes into consideration more than just the legal ramifications.
Call Our Portland Assault Charges Attorneys for A Free Consultation
Schedule a complimentary consultation with our highly effective Portland assault attorney. You can reach us locally at (503) 549-1077 If you prefer to contact us online, we will respond as soon as possible.