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Criminal Defense Lawyers

You may be seeking a criminal defense attorney for your own defense, or you may be calling on behalf of a family member or friend who is spending the night in jail. In either case, we understand. We have seen people in very dire circumstances. We defend our clients, we don’t judge them.

More Than 40 years of experience in Criminal Law

Portland criminal defense attorney Mark C. Cogan has more than 40 years of experience protecting clients against criminal charges. We welcome you to contact our law firm at 503-549-1077 with the knowledge that we have helped a great many clients and have success stories and satisfied clients to serve as testimony to the high-quality legal services we provide.

Full-Service Attention and Vigorous Defense

The types of criminal law matters for which we will provide an aggressive defense include:

The Prosecution Has Begun Its Work — We Should Begin Ours

No matter the circumstances, anyone under investigation or facing criminal prosecution should retain the best possible attorney as early in the process as possible. If you have been charged with any misdemeanor or felony crime, please call our Portland, Oregon, law office at (503) 549-1077 for a free initial consultation. You can also send us an e-mail.

Let’s get your criminal defense started. We have work to do.

If you are a college student it is even more important to work with an experienced lawyer right away.

Any college student facing the prospect of criminal prosecution should retain the best possible attorney as early in the process as possible. If you have been charged with a college student crime, please call our Portland law office at (503) 549-1077 or send us an e-mail for a free initial consultation.

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